Prix Média

We need excellent science journalism. The Prix Média supports media professionals with research contributions and prize money for exciting stories and innovative formats.

Award recipients of the Prix Média and the Prix Média Newcomer



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Fabien Goubet and his team César Greppin (web), Paul Ronga (graphics) and Isabelle Boudjkhi (video) have won the Prix Média 2020 with their entry «Attraper une exoplanète, mode d'emploi», published on on 17.12.2019. Goubet ventures into a very complex topic that is rarely addressed. Together with his team, he uses the technical, graphic and linguistic capabilities to make it accessible for a wide audience.


Michelle Isler won the Prix Média Newcomer 2020 with her article «Gender balance in the crisis» (in german). Isler analyzes the role of women in the Covid-19 pandemic on the basis of self-collected data. She shows how few appearances women have in the coverage of the Corona crisis and which stereotypes are formed in the process. The jury particularly appreciated the fact that Michelle Isler was willing to undertake an effort that many newsrooms are unable or unwilling to make.


The freelance science journalist Mathias Plüss has won the Prix Média 2019 with his article «TUN SIE WAS! – eine Anleitung von A bis Z zur Rettung der Welt». The article in «Das Magazin» (No 13, 2019) runs to 20 pages: "Written in a journalistic and scientifically clean way with references - original, humorous and absolutely morality-free", is a conclusion of the prize jury.


The winners of the Prix Média 2017 award are Jean-Daniel Bohnenblust and Sophie Gabus. The television journalists are awarded for their contribution Poisons, venins, toxines: les animaux qui soignent in the programme RTS 36.9°. Bohnenblust and Gabus show how new medicines could be developed with animal poisons and lead us to those laboratories where research is already underway into the medicines of the day after tomorrow. This insight is as new as it is surprising and brings a previously largely unnoticed topic into the public eye.


Alessandro Staehli from the nature magazine La Salamandre receives the Prix Média Newcomer award 2017. Staehli’s award-winning contribution is entitled Voyage au centre de la terre – an allusion to the adventure novel of the same name by Jules Verne. “His lively and multi-facetted dossier has shown us precisely the wonderful diversity of the soil,” says Felicitas Pauss, jury member and physicist at ETH Zurich, explaining the decision.


The winner of the Prix Média 2016 is Lison Méric for the entry «J’entends des voix», RTS 36.9°, 16.12. 2015. She accepted the prize together with director Sarah Perrig at the Swiss Media Forum in Lucerne. The prizes were awarded on 23 September 2016 as part of the break session “Investigative Science Journalism”.


The award winner 2015 is Anja Jardine with her article «Das letzte Terrain» (NZZ Folio 9/2014).



Lucie Stooss

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern
